ACV Prevention


The brain controls the movement of the entire body and consists of two halves or hemispheres. Most of it is dedicated to control the hands, mouth and tongue as well as the rest of the body. Both halves are joined by many fibers that interconnect them (the corpus callosum)

Blood stops reaching the brain in 3 situations: 1, Hemorrhage: some pipe (artery) is broken It is usually the deadliest. 2. Ischemia due to obstruction: the pipe is occluded (mostly fat) It is usually the most frequent. 3. Thickening ischemia: the pipe is permable but the liquid (blood) is very thick. 

Depending on the area of ​​the brain affected, it will be disability. LCA is very unlikely to occur in both hemispheres. Because of this, most of the time it damages one half of the body. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. Often it also affects the center of speech.

Al fallar una zona del hemisferio cerebral, el cuerpo activa esa misma zona pero en el otro hemisferio, el sano . Para esto se necesitan esas fibras que interconectan y que los hombres tenemos en menos cantidad. Es por esto que se recupera menos.No es raro ver a un hombre discapacitado y es infrecuente ver a una mujer.

The protection, after GOD, is to begin recovery in the shortest possible time. From that moment and if this is possible, drink water until you achieve 2 things: clear urine and feel your mouth wet. This ensures that the blood is not thick, you can travel more easily to irrigate that affected area. 

You should go to the nearest Health Center as soon as possible to establish the diagnosis and receive specific treatment. But in the meantime besides drinking water you can increase your blood oxygen. It is achieved by performing slow and deep inspirations. Holding a little more air. With faith. 

In other words, the task while medical help arrives is to optimally hydrate and oxygenate to the fullest. They are effective ways to limit damage and reduce disabilities. As soon as the rehabilitation is authorized, you have to strictly adhere to the indications (always taking care of hydration and oxygenation) Total recovery is possible. If he is a man, he must be very disciplined and constant. You will achieve it.

Blood Pressure should be taken care of. The higher it is, the older the pipes are and the more battered they are, the greater the risk of stroke and disability. Check your blood pressure periodically, at home and when you wake up. Avoid arguing (not even alone) especially in the morning. Solve unpleasant issues in the afternoon. Never Monday and never smoke angry.

To reduce the risk of obstruction (ischemia) it is advisable to have a pleasant and pressureless exercise plan. In your diet, reduce the use of fat and replace animals with vegetables, fruits and seeds.

Check with abdominal ultrasound. If you have fat in your liver, eliminate it because it is very likely that you also have fat in your arteries.

Sleep with your mouth closed. As the muscles get older, the jaw yields. With an open mouth, large amounts of water are lost and blood thickens during sleep, increasing the risk of stroke. Always cultivate your inner PEACE, today it is key to your Health and Longevity. If in doubt, consult.


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